Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Biosolids: The Eco-Friendly Choice

Biosolids are organic materials that are rich in nutrients and acquired from wastewater treatment. It is also referred to as "sewer sludge" and it can be used as fertilizer. In my opinion, biosolids are superior to other agricultural practices. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supports the land application of biosolids as a safe method of recycling. Furthermore, we can use biosolids as fertilizer for farms, forests and even our own backyards.
Prior to usage on land, biosolids must be filtered of their harmful compounds. They are processed through a sewage treatment which removes the solid segments, pathogens and other toxic elements. When complete, the newly cleansed and finished biosolids can be used. 

biosolids application.jpg

Among other nutrients, phosphorus and nitrogen are present in biosolids. These elements are detrimental in aiding and increasing plant growth. Even though biosolids are helpful to the entire community, some people find them unsanitary. Many people find it difficult to eat produce if it was grown in biosolids. Another negative is the distinct odour of biosolids. Although I understand these points, I believe that the positive factors outweigh the negatives.

In short, I believe that biosolids are extremely important in determining the future of our environment. The use of biosolids is a cost effective way to dispose of human waste. EPA supports this process and I'm inclined to agree.



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1 comment:

  1. This was a very informative post as you put in so many specifics about the biosolids themselves.

    I agree that the positives seem to outweigh the negatives in this situation, when the treatment of biosolids is done properly and successfully.

    I think that many people are opposed to the idea due to their belief that it is gross, rather than based on factual information.

    I like how you fairly stated both sides of the argument in regards to biosolids, and how your research guided you to making a decision as to whether or not they are a good idea.
